Set to No 3 "High" my Fantastic Fan Endless Breeze draws 2.62 amperes and is very uncomfortable at distances less than about twelve feet. I much prefer the one amp #1 setting.
My electric bill with CFE averages 145 kWh for 60 days. 2.42 kWh/24 hrs. 100.84 watts continuous. Yet when I need light, the area lights up like a football stadium. Ooooooo imagine what some plywood can do for natural convection cooling on a 16CF freon refrigerator condenser!
Many flat screen televisions actually operate on 12 volts. Otherwise....
12 volts to 120 volts to 12 volts (Ow my head hurts) is ridiculous. Sorta like using the inverter to power the converter...
There must be 100,000 ways of saying "Ooooooo that's too much trouble"
I don't use an inverter to power an AC motor when there's line voltage
And I sure as hell try not to play electro-conga-line powering DC loads from a battery.