Kountryguy wrote:
Can someone tell me what is the max possible kilowatt usage having 30 amp service? If i figured correctly, it is 86 kw/ day. That sounds like a lot to me.
Just to clarify. A kilowatt (KW) is a measure of how much power you are using right now. A kilowatt-hour (KWH) is how much energy you've used (and will have to pay for) over some period of time.
So, the answer to your question, is that 30A 120V service can provide a maximimum of 3600 watts or 3.6 KW. If you run maxed out, the most energy you can use is 3.6 KW times 24 hours or 86.4 KWH.
If you have 50 A service, it is actually 50A at 240 volts AC (or 120 VAC on two circuits), so the max wattage is 12 KW - much more than double even though the amps specified are less than double.