Gdetrailer, I'm familiar with that phenomenon and have paid attention to the possibility for many years. (At one point I actually thought it was the culprit of a random power window issue that plagued the truck for over 2 years. After visits to multiple mechanics and lots of $$$, the right one finally narrowed the problem down to a misbehaving relay.) In this case no leak that I can detect. I'm not ruling it out though. But when the lock is caught in its looping cycle, I can hit the door and cause it to stop. Do you think the BCM would cause the lock to behave in that fashion which quits after I strike the door?
On a side note, even though I've kept that cheap HF battery maintainer connected after fulling charging the battery, the voltage was down to 12.55 when I checked it this evening. That's with HF still plugged in.