Tires have not been off recently.
No signs of oil on the backside, nor between the inner and outer wheels. It appears that the lube leaked from the outside axle plate and was driven by centrifugal force to the back side of the stainless trim cover.
I looked for a diagram or photo of how the axle comes apart, but could find none. So the 12 nuts come off, the axle just slides out and the hub remains attached to the axle? Does the tire and wheel have to be removed, or can this be done as it sits?
I am picturing removing the 12 nuts, pulling the axle out about 1/2 inch, letting some goo drain out, remove old gasket material and oil from mating surfaces, apply Permatex, tap axle back in, and install the nuts.
I value your sage advice, but I don't see where the jacks and stands come in.
Matt B