tarnold wrote:
Sorry Mex, need something a little more simple than that for me. Just wonder why all the other light fixtures work ok. This new little strip is on only about 12" long.
LEDs have a very fast turn on/off, incadescent bulbs take a longer time to ramp up from off to full brightness and from full bright to off..
Incadescents tend to hide small voltage changes.
Some LED modules include a built in current regulator and some do not.
The ones with a built in current regulator tend to have less to no variation in brightness due to small voltage changes.
LED modules without current regulator will produce noticeable changes in brightness with small changes in the voltage.
For whatever reason your converter is producing what is known as "ripple" which is another way of saying small voltage changes.
What Mex has suggested might fix the problem but in reality it may be hiding a problem with your converter and or batteries.
Modern day converters tend to produce extremely stable voltages with extremely low ripple..
Older linear converters use the battery to smooth out the ripple and regulate the voltage. When no battery was connected or the battery was bad the output ripple was extremely high..
Perhaps post the model of your converter.