Since you have a 921 fixture you can dedicate to the night light, this is easy:
As someone mentioned above (ebay link)lO1g-y!~~60_12.JPG)
Also, you mentioned your lights in general are too bright. Buy lower powered ones (fewer LEDs) from this seller. Buy warm white, IMO. I've had great products and service from him, several purchases. Comes slow boat from China, about 3 weeks.
ebay seller 2011_LEDWhat I did for night lights on our previous two RV's which had garden variety RV light fixtures:
1) on ebay, bought an LED indicator light, which fits in a round hole. Drilled hole in bathroom light fixture, installed indicator light. Rewired the fixture so the off-1-2 became off-night-2. Left bathroom door cracked open during night, gave enough light for night missions. Surprisingly so. (It was blue-white light.)
2) bought an RV light fixture which matched our existing ones, and a one LED bulb to fit it, both on ebay. Installed the fixture next to the existing one in the bathroom. At night, switched off the main fixture so only the night light was on. Cracked door, same as above.
To take a different approach, LED voltage meters can serve as night lights as well as providing you a read on your batteries. They come in many different light colors. Be careful where you install them so they don't glare in your eyes at night.
Also, we have a battery operated LED lantern from WalMart, shown below. Runs on 4 D cells. It has a mode where it uses just one yellow LED as a night light. On our newest MH, we use it instead of anything permanent.