Gjac wrote:
Roughly what would it cost to get the equivalent of 2 6v GC batteries say about 230 ah's?
I am getting 16 280AH cells for 2000.00 cdn. so 500 bucks for the cells for a 280AH 12V battery. you can get a good BMS for 100 cdn, and say 30 bucks for a box and the asociated wiring. then you'll need a different charger section for your rv unless it is already Li compatable, and same if you have solar. so for me a good quality 235AH GC is 350 each so very simular in price but over twice the usable ah.
if you want the best price, find a few people to go in on it with as the more cells you order at once the cheeper they are. for my self I am putting one battery in my camper and three in my 5th wheel, but I am going to make it so I can remove one from the 5th and put it in the camper for lait fall/early winter camping when I want to be able to run the furnace a lot and worry about the amount of light for the solar panel.