pianotuna wrote:
FWC has not allowed 20% which is unusable in the guess for Li. So if you "roll your own" allow for it--or even exceed it. Of course these numbers are limited by what the makers of the individual cells create.
One of the few things I like about battleborn is the batteries are really 120 amp-hours--but are sold as 100 amp-hours. Their battery management system 'shuts down' at 100 amp-hours of discharge.
This is completely untrue. The rated capacity for LiFePO4 (typically 3000 - 4000 cycles) is to 100% DOD, which is what BB, Trojan, ReLion etc all use:

Also check the
Trojan Trillium Spec Sheet.If you need more cycles than this, say 5000, then you might want to stop at 80% DOD. But this is not really relevant to RVs as it would be almost impossible to get even 2000 100% DOD cycles out of your battery before either the RV, you or the battery aged out.
It is also not true that the battleborn BMS 'shuts down' at 100 out of 120Ah. The battleborn BMS shuts down when the voltage hits 10.0V (~0% SOC) just like any other LiFePO4. There is no secret extra 20Ah.