BFL13 wrote:
So what is the Trillium spec all about? Why them and not yours?
In my view there’s nothing all that unusual here, as it seems only appropriate that different manufactures may have different in-house recommendations - some more conservative than others (a matter of ‘Best Practices’ I would suspect) likely intended to extend service life...
I would also point out that of all the LiFePo4’s I shopped and studied, Trillium is the only one that I’ve seen that recommended a reduced current below 41f to 32f, but is also one
of only two that I saw (BB the other) which states charging below 32f IS allowable, though at a much reduced rate... Having read at least one or two white papers (of which source I can’t no longer recall), nor have I seen a reduced charging rate advisory above 32f, so I believe that in this regard Trojan is the outlier.
None of this really matters much to me because my 200a/hr Li is housed within the camper’s heated interior (and seldom habitat in freezing weather anyway), but where the battery resides unheated, I suspect that in the interest of longevity it might simply be a ‘Best practice’ to follow Trojan’s recommendation...
3 tons