BFL13 wrote:
That's way better on one 100AH batt than with regular AGMs, and why I got the battery. LFPs can do that too or even more so, but I had no need to spend twice as much for an LFP, and I was nervous about the low temp issue for our scenarios.
where are you getting twice as much for a 100amp LFP? Pianotuna posted some that are about 400 bucks, the Sio2 was surley more than that as when I called and asked about it it was about 600 plus shipping. I could see if you were looking at the battleborn as they were early to the market and realy inflated the pricing, but all of them should be coming down in price now that there are others in the lower price range. unless they just launch a markiting campain to try slam the other brands and continue to charge way to much for what they are..