What is HUGE to 3 tons may not be so many minutes to other folks.
"…rapid harvest recovery makes the HUGE difference, 30+ dc amps of solar per hour (associated around peak period) is often realistically achievable"
Everyone knows that the charging efficiency of LFPs is 99% while it is only 94% for FLAs
The same exact "harvest" applied to each in a side by side comparison would be EG, average 20 amps for 8 hours that day = 160AH input from solar=
For the LFP- 480 minutes plus 1% in time = 4.8 more =484.8 minutes.
The FLA bank would take 6% over 480 = 28.8 = 508.8 minutes
So starting at say 0700 on a nice sunny day all day the the 160AH recharge is done by:
LFP-- at 1504.8 in the afternoon, and
FLA-- at 1528.8 or 24 minutes longer to get there
3 tons thinks that is HUGE? Based on his actual LFP actual ownership side by side comparison testing in the field of course. (Or is that going down the rabbit hole pontificating with a calculator just to annoy him?--if so sorry about that! :) )