FWC wrote:
Clearly they derate their battery. I am sure their actual customers don't complain about their batteries exceeding the nominal specifications.
Thanks for posting a reasonably complete data sheet from a reputable manufacturer. Hopefully this helps dispel some of the mythology about lithium batteries - that they should only be used down to 80% SOC and they can't be charged below freezing.
The AH thing is just baffling. In that one video the German guy says you can be down 50% in AH but more than half way down in Energy. Huh?
The whole idea is that amps is "power" and AH is "energy". Are there are two kinds of "Energy" ? Just bizarre.
When 2 + 2= 4 we believe that both 2s are the same size. It is just bonkers to say that the second 2 is smaller than the first 2.
Meanwhile, the other video guy is showing how they do coulomb counting integration to get AH. I am not at all clear that they are using the "20 hr rate" for saying the batt has 100AH. Something really funny is going on.
I am used to measuring the capacity of a battery. First you need to adjust for temperature and also for age, use the 20 hr rate for 10 hrs (or less time if the batt is lower in capacity than expected) and get to your 50% marker (SG in the case of FLA is the best marker for 50%. You cross-check that marker with the resting voltage after it settles once you stop the discharge. You have an AH count from your AH counter so it all works out.
Say your 100AH as rated batt is 90AH at the temp. and it is two years old, so you would allow 5% or so for age, you could be at 85AH = full, but your AH count at 50% marker is 40AH, so that means capacity is 80AH.
Ok , you are down more than you expected so it is sulphated more than you thought. Now you can try to desulphate it and try again.
So-- those BMS videos where they try to juggle age, temperature, matching voltage/SOC with AH count is nothing new at all. Been doing that for years. It is not unique to LFPs.
We even had arguments on here 10 years ago and further back whether it was correct to say your AH down from 10 hrs could just be doubled to get the capacity. Same issue-- 2 + 2= 4 and both 2s are the same size. If it is 3 + 1 then the 50% marker is in the wrong place.
You can then cross check again by recharging and see if it takes back the 40AH (allowing for charging efficiency factor in the AH counter)
I am a 2 + 2= 4 guy and if the LFP crowd say they are special so 2+2= 4 but their 4 is not the same as my 4, or both 2s are not the same size, then they all belong in a rubber room IMO.
Obviously ,they must know that, so what's wrong is they are not explaining what they mean by "AH" and where they are using the 20 hr rate or whatever they are using instead so their AH comes out the same as if they used the 20 hr rate.