Forum Discussion
"going to go with one". I think you meant two ,LOL 🤣
I'm still going stick with my statement that Lipperts claims of are exaggerated. As well as my statement that if it won't level a condition of 6" or less, without having to add a bunch of blocks, it's not what I was led to believed I was buying. Like I stated in my original post, it levels just fine in the manual mode with very little adjustment, once all 4 jacks are solid on the ground. A manual system (electric, but not "automatic") is not that much slower if you are having to add bocks anyway. Certainly not worth the $$ you pay for it. All the same, thanks for your input StirCrazy.
I don't know, I drop the front jacks where I want, unlook the truck, Put a couple pads under the rears (if needed) push auto level, go unload somthing fromt he truck and 60ish seconds later its perfectly level. as for price I don't know what we pay for it as it came on the 5th wheel and there was no price difference between one with it and one without it when I was looking..