Lippert strikes again. Tactics such as this are their MO. They do it with everything they make or distribute.
A great example is their backup cameras which they enter into agreements with the RV manufacturers to install $2 brackets on new RV's. Then the RV buyer purchases Lipperts system, and soon after either the monitor or camera sheets the bed. You have to buy another entire system, individual components or parts are unavailable.
Try and buy parts or a motor for their Solara awnings or one of their slideout systems such as Schwintek and see what that sets you back, totally outrageous and they have you by the cahonies.
The RV manufacturers love them though, and you'll be hard pressed to find an RV that comes out of Indiana that is not packed to the gills with Lipperts junk, from the frame to the windows. They're the lowest irresponsible bidder when it comes to supplying the manufacturers. They have a lot of what they supply manufactured overseas in lots, and once the lot is exhausted its off to the next low bid manufacturer on their end to save a nickel. Something they supplied last year, and parts for it,are not necessarily the same as what they're pawning off this year.
I am not familiar with Lipperts remote but its either RF or IR, most likely IR. Many universal remotes are out there. Just a matter of finding the codes to program in or finding someone with a working remote to do a back to back scan and program the universal one.