"Short update, so far I’ve been using my OEM PD 9245 charger with Wizard and have noticed that with the Xantrex LinkLite meter at 100% SOC, the PD was still in boost mode at 14.4v and putting out over 17 amps, and when in the normal mode of 13.6v the single 200a/h LiFePo4 still charging at about 5 amps (including a few parasitical loads)"
The PD was in Boost Mode 14.4, but the battery was in Absorption by then accepting 17 amps. Still a ways to go in Absorption, don't know what the SOC would be at that point.
The battery monitor showing SOC at 100% is the trouble. It has to be zeroed when the battery is truly full so its AH counter can get back on track.
If you operate your Li where it never gets full like some recommend, I don't know when you can ever zero the monitor's AH counter. That article on Li SOC and AH (coulomb-counting) "drift" relates to this I think.
There is also the business about "top balancing" where one cell gets to full and the others then catch up (if I have that right). That needs to be related to just what "full" means to the monitor. If the AH count continues while the other cells catch up (but you don't want the one that got there first to go any higher) that might confuse the heck out of a typical monitor, don't know.
Anyway, from the very little I might know or not about Li, I am suspecting your PD and battery are doing what they are supposed to do, and it is the monitor issue that is confusing the situation.