Per BLF13:
“ Back to the paper and a new set-up IMO you should observe what happens closely taking notes and make a rough graph to find the point at the high end where the voltage spikes/drops and note the AH count.
First get the bank full at 14.x where amps flow has tapered to near zero and stop. Set the AH counter to zero. Start a load at the 20 hr rate (10 amps for a 200AH bank) and watch the voltage drop, taking note every few minutes for your graph and note the AH. When you see the voltage flatten out, you have enough info.
So now you know how many AH out of supposed 200 it took to get to where it flattens, so you know the SOC when it did that--might be 90% or whatever.
So what good is that info? You can use the AH counter from then on to get your SOC and never mind the voltage. You know that 20 AH is 10% so at 90% you are down 20AH. At the bottom where voltage drops off, it would be at say 180AH, so stay above that. You can tell how much you have left before you are as low as you dare to go.”
So I’m a bit confused...Please clarify again how this methodology would help me arrive at Li SOC during the flattened plateau...
With a Li batt it’s not clear to me how I could impute SOC simply by knowing at what point from a reference of fully charged (and a meter sync to 100%), to the starting point of the voltage flattening out, helps me to arrive at SOC during the period of voltage plateau??
(Using per your suggestion of a steady 10a DC discharge)...
I’m still fuzzy as to how this might help??......Dummy Me - lol
3 tons