Looks like the monitor would show some AH from full while the load eats up the surface charge, same as other batts. Not clear where that fits in with the spike/drop in voltage at the high end for calculating SOC by voltage level on the way back down. You could use the voltage level on the way up to full after you get past the flat part at the high SOC it gets to by then.
Can't the BMS walk and chew gum at the same time? Balance is one thing, do shut downs another?
On the "drift" seen. IMO it is too soon between recharges to be from not getting to true full or whatever. I think it must be from the monitor allowing too much for heat loss.
It might be like Trimetric which has a program you can change the charging efficiency percentage to a smaller number to go with Li instead of Wet. Any link to the Link manual to check on that?
I would still disable the monitor's SOC read-out and just go with amps, volts, and AH like I do with my Trimetric. Make up your own SOC table for AH count and estimated SOC. AND make sure the AH counter is not allowing for high heat loss on a recharge, or else know what that is so you can adjust your SOC estimate accordingly.
You could ignore what AH it gets down to from full and just count from where the voltage flattens out since you know that is almost full anyway. It is just to have an idea where you are at for making the decision on when to recharge. Maybe also to see if something is "wrong" too if it goes lower too fast means something is on you forgot to turn off.
IMO it will all become more clear after some camping time how to play it and if you need any more or different equipment. Right now, IMO try it with what you have first, but with your own SOC table using AH count.