The following paragraph is an excerpt from USTMA standards.
Never set tire inflation pressures below the recommended inflation pressure found on the vehicle tire placard, certification label or owner’s manual. Under inflation causes excessive heat build-up and internal structural damage that may lead to a tire failure, even at a later date. Do not exceed the maximum inflation pressure shown on tire sidewall. Over inflated tires (over the maximum molded on the tire sidewall) are more likely to be cut, punctured or damaged by sudden impact from hitting an obstacle, such as a pothole.”
Optional inflation pressures are somewhere between vehicle manufacturer recommendations and tire sidewall max.
See the reference in the – click here – below. You will find the quoted excerpt on page 11.
You may find argumentative statements about inflation to the load carried. It comes from the commercial carrier side of the house and is not applicable for your vehicle. The FMVSS directed the vehicle manufacturer to provide a percentage of load capacity reserves with the tires/axles they fitted to your vehicle. Why would you want to do less?
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