pianotuna wrote:
Many folks here have done so. I like Li so long as they are not used in cold weather.
LTO are more expensive than LiFePo4 but can be used at both higher and lower temperatures.
Sio2 would be my choice as they are not fussy (i.e. no battery management system needed.
For my part I'd love to hear of someone with a similar use pattern to mine using LiFePo4 at -34 F as a "weekend warrior".
your probably not going to, your not even a "weekend warrior at -34, you do it for work. I don't think you'll find anyone who wakes up friday morning and says " look its -34 out, lets hook up and go to the campground"
I think your definition of " as long as there not used in cold weather" is a little flawed I had my camper out at the ski hill a couple weeks ago, it was cold -15C but my batteries prefored like it was summer. did I emjoy camping at that temp, nope but I managed to have fun as it was a school function for the kid and there were lots of parents there to have drinks around the bon fire with..
I don;t know about the price of LTO as I wants going to fill out there inquire now and be subjected to spam e-mail but as for working at a lower and higher temp theres not a lot of difference. the new ones I ordered can discharge to -30C so 10 degrees warmer than the LTO, and can discharge to +60C which I believe is 10 degrees higher than the LTO also. I can tell you at +60 I am not leaving the house so it doesnt matter anyways.
SiO2 is great for very low temps although they do lose up to 60% of there capacity at -20 compared to 20% for my LFP they can handle the ocasional run to 0 but your going to start losing cycles every time you do and not get that 1200 number. I can run to 0 every time and still get 3500. plus you have to limit your charging to under .25C which probably isnt a big deal if you have a big enough bank, with my AC charge and my solar both on I can only reach 0.2C on my bank so right there I am gaining cycles.
plus for me the biggest down side to SIO2 compared to LI is weight and size. LTO looks promising but for the extra 10 degrees on the bottom end I don;t know if they are worth it to many except you. the cycle life is kinda cool, but realy 10000 cycles, thats over 27 years of a cycles each day.. most would never realize that benifit and is it worth the extra cost for somthing that you won't use the features of anyways. LFP are now by far the cheepest option when you take into acount usable AH and cycle life you can get 100AH LFP that test out good for about 400 bucks now, two ok deep cycles are say 320 (costco)
but your going to replace thoes costco batteries 4 times before you replace that LFP, more if you shallow dischare and run between 10 and 90% and so on..