I went with a FloJet portable.. I have used it several times but not as often as I thought I would.. My observations.
THe 3" "Stinky Slinky" Dumps very fast.. First. .IT IS FAST, I don;t have to spend 10 minutes dumping tanks, just a few.
2nd. Some folks talk about the "Woosh" factor (Claim it flushes semi-solids that have not yet broken down out the drain when using the 3") I'm not convinced of that.
now the macerator
The one and only comnplaint (And the solution) is that if it's not used often adn I mean often it develops "Sticktion" that is the impeller blades stick to the pump housing and when you turn it on POP goes the fuse.
Solution .. On the non-pump end of the motor is a slotted shaft.. Use a quarter or any flat tool to turn it one rotation, this cures the problem 100%
When I need it.. I'm very glad I have it.