Well likely nobody will believe it, but here's mine anyway.
Took a very nice lady for a drive to see New England foliage. Coming back late I blew a driveshaft U-joint in the middle of nowhere. Hadn't seen a car or house in a long time. Fortunately it was the rear U-joint, so the dtriveshaft beat up floor under the back seat/trunk, but did no real damage. No way the U-joint could be reassembled, it was toast.
I had a Bowie knife, so I found two limbs that look straight, and cut them to a bit over two feet. I also had a coil of nylon rope. Jacked the car up, put the spare under one wheel, rock under the other, let the jack down, and tried rocking the car. It stayed, one problem solved. Young lady and I crawled under from opposite sides. I put the limbs on either side of the driveshaft, covering the U-Joint. She held limbs while I wrapped the rope around limbs and shaft as tight as I could get it. Then had her start car and gentle try to move while I lay on ground and watched. Rope unwound of course, but car was still up. Grrr. Back under we go, and rewrap rope other direction. Jacked up car, remove rock, remove spare and put in trunk. Both of us were pretty dirty, but were hopeful. Got in car and drove to nearest town. Anything over about 5 mph was not possible cause the vibration got REALLY bad, but it beat walking.
Finally hit a town, stopped in gas station (that was back when gas stations all did repairs, for you youngsters). Asked if they could replace a U-joint. They said pull it on the lift and they'd look. I laughed and said see if you can get the part first. Turned out NAPA had one, so I pulled it on lift. You should have seen their faces, LOL.
We called her folks and mine so they wouldn't worry, as it was nearly 11:00 by the time the car was ready. I gave the repair people a nice tip for staying after closing to fix the car. We then drove back. I dropped her off, then headed home myself. Cleaned myself up, and made it in bed not much before dawn.
Funny thing was she still went out with me quite a few times after that. She was a special lady.