Just received this info from MS:
Noah Sindermann support@morningstarcorp.com
Hi Donald,
Yes, those panels can be safely used in a 2x2 series/parallel wiring configuration with your TS-MPPT-60.
They can not be wired all in series because the string voltage will exceed the 150Voc max input rating of the TriStar-MPPT.
Best Regards,
Noah Sindermann
MS Technical Support
Morningstar Corporation
Skype: support.morningstar
Info sent,
I have the above TS MPPT 60a CC,
with 4-Canadian CS6P-230w pv panels.
My minimum Out Side low temps can range from -10* to a maximum of 100+ in the summer time.
The total panel wire lengths will be 20-22' from Panels to this CC, 1 way.
I prefer to flat mount these panels, when mounted.
Can I SAFELY use these 4 pv panels with the 60a MPPT CC?
I am NOT sure how to connect these panels,
meaning series, parallel or a combo of series/parallel etc,
and I do not want to destroy the cc etc.
So I am requesting valid info on the correct way to install these panels and CC.
Thank you,
So I am proceeding with this build. :B