I got the thing working! This time I connected one end of the shunt to the battery neg post and my VEC1093DBD portable charger neg clamp to the outer end of the shunt, and the positive clamp to the battery pos post.
First I tired it with the COM at the battery end like in the wiring diagrams, and got voltage and "0" amps same as before. So I swapped and put the IN+ wire at the battery end and got voltage and amps just like in RJ's photo above.
I compared the voltage with another meter's and the thing needs calibrating and compared the amps reading with the amps reading on the VEC.
VEC said 35 amps and meter said 33 amps. Next, changed the VEC to its four amp setting to see if this meter had RJ's meter problem at under 10 amps. The VEC said 4 amps and the meter said 2 amps.
So it looks like it has a 2 amp error at both 35 and at 4 amps which I will try to calibrate when I get that far in setting this all up.
LY said before that it was not the same amount of correction up the scale, so I expect to find out I need to compromise on that to the amps range I want to be most accurate.
At least the thing works now that you guys showed me what to do :)