Doug said:
“ The "surge" is a split second. You watch the ampmeter(digital) and it is so quick you have a hard time seeing the upper range. Doug”
Correct, the true surge level (often 4-5 times run watts…) occurs so fast (milliseconds) that a Kiii-a-Watt meter or a VOM is unable to measure it…
In a similar sense, having both a Micro-Start and a Hughs Autoformer, after a bunch of hands-on ‘trail and error’ test (rendering only ‘one off’ success), my view is that the Autoformer is no substitute for a Micro-Air, because of it’s slower response time, a characteristic of it’s slower transformer based induction response time versus the MicroAir’s near light-speed response mosfets…
Thus, while there IS a place for autoformers, their real design utility is to help resolve dreaded summertime voltage sags when in campgrounds…Since I almost never camp in CG’s, if anyone needs one (still as new) just PM me…
3 tons