MNRon said:
“ All of that background is to provide my experience with Westinghouse/Magnum (in)compatibility and to ask if you have other thoughts on my experience. I suspect Honda does much better with surge droop so you may never have seen this. Thoughts?…”
I had the same nagging problem when trying to run the air conditioner (with MicroAir) from a portable generator (while in ‘eco mode’), while using a pass-thru inverter and 400a/h of lithium batteries…
After a whole bunch of time consuming test-trials (including trying an Autoformer to little if any avail…), it turned out that the inverter was seeing the generator (only while in eco mode) as a defective power source and continually taking over the full load…
Ultimately (ugg!), the real solution was to simply bypass the finicky inverter by adding another ATS switch just ahead of the air conditioner with it’s own dedicated plug-in generator power cord…In this way, the inverter can continue to be used, independent of the air conditioner or generator, and were the generator to suddenly quit running, the inverter (if in standby…) would (via this ATS Switch) simply take over the air conditioning load without any sinusoidal conflicts…
Hope this helps,
3 tons