I quickly scanned n didnt see the answer I am thinking.
A residential fridge is hugely inefficient. If you have a few bucks, and plan to do RVing in the future also, then reconsider all this.
You have plenty of solar for a vehicle compressor fridge, by this I mean the Danfoss-style compressor unit (Engle, ARB, Dometic, Iceco etc). These are made to run off batteries/solar, and the compressor is advanced and uses very little power compared to a house fridge of similar size.
Using a house fridge will suck the batteries low over-night and this will shorten the battery life, and cost more money down the road.
Save the cost of extra panels ($300??) and put it into a unit with the Danfoss compressor. I think someone mentioned a retro-fit for a compressor to fit into some propane RV fridges, this is good as the typical Dometic compressor is a chest style, but there are options for front opening also.
The nice compressor models with two compartments (can be freezer and fridge) are expensive, but no need to point out the benefits anymore given the current social disruptions out there.
I have a big, two door chest, with two GC batteries, and lose very little battery charge overnight. Batteries are topped off before I get out of bed from 200 watts solar.
The compressor might run 7-10 mins per hour and pull 3-5 amps max, I think around 3-4 is typical. A residential fridge would run through an inverter with its own power loss and draw much more power.
Residential fridges are not made for being driven around a lot, though they can hold up it seems, but the vehicle fridges are used and abused by off-road Jeeps all the time with no issues.