You can not plug one into the other however you can install them electrically Side by Side Or you can replace the POS MSW with a quality 2KW True Sine Wave.
What is a "Modified Sine Wave" also called by some a Modified Square Wave?
Well.. I grew up on a farm. half dairy, half swine. Now the Swine side instead of opening the gate we had a set of stairs. Up and down, over the fence so we could just walk over. . The hogs could not climb the steps like a dog or cat so the fence was secure.
If you look at a MSW wave on a 'scope it looks EXCTLY like a side view of those steps.
The steps are one of 3 things I know of called Stile
The next is a fictional character also known as Citizen Blue
Before he became a citizen he was a slave. His master raised horses While looking at a pile of horse dung he noticed something. called it to his master's attention who promptly called the vet and the horse was easily cured. had blue not noticed it the horse may or may not have lived but it would have cost a lot more to save it. That pile of horse dung is the third thing and how Blue got his slave name.
So the wave form looks like a stile. (The steps) but's dung.
Square waves contain the fundeemental frequency (60 HZ) plus the fundemental times the number of steps (often 3) and all either even or odd (i think Even but it's been a long long time since electronics 101/2) harmonics.. Very dirty.
A pure sine wave contains... The fundemental.. period (Sweet like Flute sound)