S Davis wrote:
My EVE LF280N cells are rated at 3500 cycles from full charge to 2.5 volt cut off and that is at 1.C in a compression fixture. I am not to worried about charging them up to 100% SOC and using the full capacity. From what I understand if you draw your battery down 20% and then charge it back to 100% that is only 20% of a battery cycle.
At 3500 cycles I think for most users they will age out before cycling out, I think there are many more factors that will affect cell life more than using the manufacturer stated capacity.

The bold part is something to really consider with LifePo4 batteries. I think too many people who have converted to LiFePo4 batteries from Lead/Acid chemistries are still hung up on a lot of the "rules" that applied to them. I'm pretty sure that 10-15 years from now my batteries will me a lot more alive than me.:B
As for discharging to 100%, my deepest discharge in 4 seasons was 81% (2x 100ah Battleborns). To me that says my battery bank is "right sized". If one is regularly seeing 100% DOD then I'd suggest adding more solar, running generator more often, or reduce power use if possible. That can come at an inopportune time. Best to always have some "cushion", not for the sake of the batteries but for my personal comfort.