pianotuna wrote:
You won't find a 1000 watt inverter that can reliably do a 1400 watt microwave, with the exception of the units that have their own built in inverter--so you can "dial them down"
Let's start with the size of the battery bank, and the chemistry.
Don, this is going to be a backup for short periods at a time. I am on grid power now, seasonal setup, but, being Mexico, there are blackouts nearly every week. Usually 1-2 hours or less though locals reported that there was 2.5 days blackout once. I am running 120 AH LiFePo battery now with 500W solar. In blackout I will scrap the luxuries like microwave but compressor fridge is important.
Solar (slightly tilted) easily harvests 1000-1200 WH a day, sun is not a problem most of the time. Fridge and a few minor loads would draw 1300-1500 WH/day. Only fridge requires an inverter, other gadgets can wait. In normal operating mode fridge won't need more than 200 W but starting power could exceed 1000 W. Battery-wise neither 20A constant nor 100A peak shouldn't damage LiFePo and a humble 120 AH bank with 100 AH usable charge should last ~ 2 days. I would have to buy another 120 AH LiFePO if the fridge comes to be - Murphy law, rain and clouds just when the blackout starts, who knows... Anyway, looks like 1500-3000W PSW inverter.