She still had three more days camping to do with FHU. The Vector does not stay on like a converter, so a converter was the answer set to 13.6. I left the WFCO running as is. It does not have its own breaker. At 11 or 8 volts it will mean nothing against the 13.6 volts.
I left her with a charged up battery on 13.6, and took hers home with me to recharge it. The critical time is when leaving, she will have to turn off the PowerMax and put it away, but still needs 12v to finish up, so I wanted her to have a good battery for sure, and also for anytime the campground 120v might quit for some reason. She does have the alternator method which I forgot about.
At home, her newish marine/rv 27 dated 7H (August this year I think) on the Vector took 40.4 amps constant for a couple hours (I did not note the actual times) before tapering slowly. When it got down to 3.6 amps, I changed to the 4 amp setting and hit the Equalize button and it did that overnight. Morning, it was saying Full and when disconnected, battery was sitting at 13.29. That will bleed off by itself to 12.x. I did not put a load on it. I ASSume that battery will be ok, but that is for the future.
Being on for long enough, I figured it was going to be the converter when I heard about the lights dimming and brightening back and forth. I have the notion it is capacitor trouble in the converter that makes it act like that, so I was ready to just by-pass the converter for now in case I could not fix whatever was going on.