Forum Discussion

Todd757's avatar
Aug 05, 2015

motorhome leveling

Every time we level our Discovery 40x using the auto mode it is right side low, not much but low. About 1/4 bubble. We put a level on the floor. Can the "calibration" of the leveling system go out of wack? If so, can it be recalibrated?

Also, our motorhome sits right side low on level ground. Could there be a problem with the air suspension?

  • And thanks from me. When my back screams in pain, and I run out of breath running back and forth from plastic wedges to steering wheel to bubble, I can read stories like this and maybe just maybe a placebo effect takes place and my back hurts less. Meant to make you smile... :)
  • Thanks everybody. I live about 45 minutes from wildwood. I will call them when I get home. Again, thanks
  • Our 2004 Country Coach did the same thing. It was a ride height valve. Alliance Coach in Wildwood fixed it quickly. There is also a dump valve that could be staying open. These valves start sticking over time. We have now replaced all of ours. If you are traveling you can take also it to the HWH factory in Iowa. There is a wait there right now so I would make an appointment.
  • Sounds like your ride height has problems and that needs to be fixed first. Could be adjustment or air valve or other issue. Then address the leveling if it's still a problem.

    Correct ride height can be very important and can effect proper rig handling and drive shaft alignment.
  • Yes, the ride height can be adjusted but must be done on a level flat floor at a garage. Air leveling can be recalibrated by following the manual for your particular leveling system.
  • There is a process for resetting the leveling. It is in the levelers owners manual. If you do not have the manual you can find it on line.
    As for the ride level it is best if you take it to Freightliner and have them check and set the ride height, a fairly simple adjustment.