I would not trust any adhesive to hold solar panel to rubber-ish coated plywood. This membrane is thin and in some places doesn't adhere to the plywood if you look close. It has very little strength on its own, its only purpose is to protect the plywood from water ingress. If solar panel starts moving it will rip a piece of membrane off the roof.
You already have dozens of screws in that plywood, another dozen won't make it worse. Use #10 stainless sheet metal screws, with Dicor sealant under the brackets as described. There are different kinds of Dicor, you want this one:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004A2YKWI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Put a generous coat of Dicor under the bracket so that it would ooze from under the bracket edges when you put the screws in. Lubricate screw with Dicor, drive it in, cover the screw head with Dicor. You don't have to cover the entire plate.