ependydad wrote:
My thinking is that I'll drop a line down from the circuit breaker panel into the underbelly, go to the front of the camper, and then come up into that compartment from below. The total run should be 35-40'.
I'm mostly comfortable wiring up the outlet, but I just don't know if there's any special wiring that I should buy other than what is used in houses.
When I installed receptacles dedicated to my inverter I needed to run a length of Romex from the front pass through where the inverter is located back to the galley where I wanted to locate one of the receptacles. By far the easiest route was down through the trailer floor, along the underside, and up to the galley. Obviously I didn't want to run bare Romex along the underside so I bought a length of flexible PVC conduit
similar to these for full protection of the cable. Worked really well. :B