At one time 12V panels were the big game in town. But with the nation wide ramp up in solar the physically larger with more watts now cost less. 12V panels in parallel can use the cheaper PWM controller. 24V panels require a MPPT controller for a 12V battery.
Many MPPT controllers work with 12, 24 or 48V batteries. Of course the panel Vmp has to be adequate. My 3x serial panels run 90V+ for my 12V battery.
There are many factors and one size doesn't fit all. From my prespective some RVers prefer panels mounted close to the roof and often near the evil power robbing power of A/C shadows. But just add more panels.
A recent Phoenix ad had 295W 60 cell panels for $100 and cosmetic blemish 250W 60 cell for $37.