Tom_M wrote:
Whenever the topic of propane heaters come up, there are always dire warnings about the dangers of using them. They are no more dangerous then using the typical cooktop in most RVs. My cooktop is not vented to the outside and that is true of many others. The Buddy heater has tilt and an oxygen sensor to shut it down if it tips over or the oxygen level drops below a certain level. It will also shut the gas off if the pilot flame goes out. The typical cooktop is much more dangerous than the Buddy and I don't see warnings about the dangers of cooking.
It looks like Tom opened a can of worms but I agree with him. Consider if someone posted a recipe in Camps Cooks that required simmering on the top of the range for 12 hours and recommended overnight cooking. Replies would be commenting on spices, etc. etc, and everything about cooking but I'd bet no one would post a warning about the cook dying in his sleep. Some folks will not accept the fact that modern heating has evolved from the killer kerosene heaters. I'm at the age where I believe little of what I see and less of what I hear or read so when I got our Blue Flame Ventless Heater I didn't believe the ads. I turned on the heater on high, closed all vents and let it cook for about 4 hours. When I opened the door it was hot inside but the CO detector didn't go off and the heater was still on high. I am a believer. I leave it on overnight on low to keep the chill down but of course as per directions keep prescribed square inch ventilation open. No one can deny my opinion that the heaters are safe. I'm here posting aren't I? :)