Forum Discussion

Boddhisattvha's avatar
Jan 26, 2014

Need Advice on a complete Shower overhaul

Hi all,
I just liked to say first off that this forum is awesome. I have (with no prior knowledge) replaced black iron pipe (and troubleshot a months long LP issue), my water heater, my furnace, my toilet, and my shower fixtures. All successfully :)

Now it's time for the big project I have been putting off but I cannot any longer.
Rig is a 1984 Hi-Lo
Project: remove, replace, and modify shower pan.

This is what the shower pan currently looks like. The issue is the stupid seat that is in it. The measurements for LxW are normal. 36x24 so finding a pan the right size is not a problem.

This is what is under the pan. Now the only issue I see is that part of the pipe sticking straight up. I am guessing that is some sort of vacuum/venting but I don't know for certain. I do know that in order to get a normal pan WITHOUT the seat which is what I want that part of the plumbing has to go. So I have two questions. 1. Any recommendations on re-plumbing this so I don't mess anything up and 2. Any recommendations on where to get a shower pan? I use RV Parts nation for pretty much everything but they're pretty limited.
Thanks in advance.
  • A bit more information (and pictures) would be helpful.

    Just what do you really want to do? You listed "modify", which means you want to make changes, and not just remove and replace. What is the problem with the current shower? Can you remove it, and then place it back after repairing the plumbing (I'll assume that is the issue?)

    If you decide to do the job, it would be greatly appreciated if you took lots of pictures, and wrote about the job....we love those kinds of threads, and you will find that you get lots of help ans suggestions from all of us! :)