I would quit guessing at this...
Depending on temperature of LIQUID PROPANE IN THE TANK
The extraction of vapor is TOTALLY LIMITED by the surface area of the vessel liquid / vapor interface area.
Either there is enough area or there isn't. Period.
This is why domestic tanks are horizontal not vertical.
In very cold climates it is not unusual to see (4) 500-gallon tanks set to feed a larger business building. The extra tanks are not set to allow for filling once every three months...they are set to allow a minimum boil-off area. This gets critical in below zero Fahrenheit settings.
When I was younger and living in an area that got so cold it could freeze the **** off a fire-hydrant, I installed a liquid filled, 200 PSI gauge on the tank pressure side of the regulator. When pressure fell to 2PSI at -20F I had to double the boil-off area. When it dropped to -30F I had to play an infrared heater on the tanks from 5' distance. 7,500 BTU.
If you have questions about what I wrote above, double check the data with your propane distributor.
If the high pressure side is not falling too low, then obviously none of the above applies.