YES you can plug into a regular house outlet.........preferably a 20A non GFI outlet and one that doesn't have other appliances/equipment on that circuit.
You will need a 50A to 20A Adapter
You then plug your RV 50A cord into the adapter and then adapter into the house outlet
You will have enough AC power to operate the converter which will maintain charge on trailer battery and supply the 12V DC System.
You will also have enough AC power to operate Television....but no microwave or A/C Unit.
The 12V DC System will allow you to operate fridge, water heater and furnace on propane. Having lighting and run water pump IF you don't have hose connected to city water connection.
WE (2 adults) lived in our 5vr for little over 1 month using 15A outlet in house garage while parked along side house waiting for escrow to close.
RVs are designed to be 'self contained' and by using DC System and Propane you are basically 'dry camping' but have enough AC power to run converter
Waste a portable Flojet Macerator. It also runs off 12V DC power. Connects to end of waste tank dump line and then uses a garden hose for discharge (5/8" OK------3/4" better). Can pump waste tanks (black and grey) to a sewer clean out (or laundry sink/toilet if needed) Pumps up to 100' with a 2' rise.
I use a macerator to pump when visiting sister........empties my 50 gallon black in roughly 10 minutes.
SO YES you can live in a trailer without having FHU on site.