Cummins12V98 wrote:
Why do people think everything is Silicone??? Silicone is not a great adhesive.
DAP Easy-to-use acrylic latex that bonds like a glue and seals like a caulk. It tools easily and provides a durable, mildew resistant, watertight seal with excellent adhesion and flexibility.
They make the same in white.

Point taken, however, the tube that was included by the sink manufacturer with the new sink I bought was labeled as SILICONE adhesive/sealer. It also felt like silicone, Acrylic/latex caulks have a complete different feel and clean up easier than the caulk the manufacturer included.
While I generally agree that silicon caulks make for terrible general purpose sealants, in my case obviously the manufacturer of said sink must have thought it was a good enough to include a tube of SILICONE adhesive/sealant for mounting my sink.. If the manufacturer thought it was good enough, who am I to question their wisdom..
So far, it appears the manufacturer of my sink was correct as that sink hasn't moved one bit and it hasn't leaked ever..