A single T 1275, 150 AH rate, at 40% SOC 12.0V, will easily gobble 33 Amps at 14.8V from a Power Supply Unit for close to 2:00 before the amps drop to a 9 amp/hr charge rate to finish it off. What % SOC it is at after 2 hours is anyone's guess, but I'd say the battery is 40-50% bigger than a Group 29 or 31.
If you pop the covers, in the last 1/2 hour, you will see the absolute finest of tiny, tiny bubbles, barely visible to the naked eye. They usually stick to something instead of overcoming surface tension and floating to the surface, unless they get big enough to pop free and float up.
The above procedure is for dry camping purposes where running a generator and wasting gas charging inefficiently is a major consideration. Add in Solar panels for the slow amp take rates above 85% SOC to top things off fully.