Right On The Head!
Voltage is key. Yes, batteries luxuriate with a 10% of amp hour rating recharge amperage rate. When suckling from a power post for days on end, this is the way to treat batteries best.
But apply maximum REGULATED voltage to the battery charges them at the fastest SAFE speed. As BFL13 often points out with his graphs, the last 20% of charge capacity is the hardest to achieve. Some folks don't mind running a generator eight hours to recharge a couple of batteries. Other folks including me cannot do this. For some it's hours of operation limitation. For me it's money. Four dollar a gallon diesel and an eight thousand dollar engine.
Senor Niner, your scrubber battery is true deep cycle. Thicker plates than even a golf car battery. Very dense plate paste. Very low CCA capability (less than a single pseudo deep cycle 24). So it's charge acceptance is going to be less pound for pound than many other "lesser" batteries. Of course CCA is not what you are looking for in a scrubber battery.