Forum Discussion

RobertL0's avatar
Jul 23, 2016

New converter PD4655 doesn't go into boost mode Part 2

I have copied my initial complaint below regarding my installation. Amended to that, is what I observed 2 days ago when I brought my batteries down to 45% per the TM-2030 battery monitor

""""I replaced the WFCO converter in my 2015 class C with a Progressive Dynamics PD4655, since we boondock and would like to charge my 2 house batteries quicker when using the onboard generator. I also installed a TM-2030 battery monitor. The two house batteries are 24DC-4, which have a reserve capacity of 130 min each Last week, while boondocking, I observed the TM-2030 showing a 55% battery charge remaining and fired up the generator. I saw the green light lit steady on the converter circuit board stating that we were in "boost mode". But according to the TM-2030, the volts going into the battery was showing 13.6, not the 14.4 boost mode should provide. I hit the Charge Wizard button to cycle through the 3 modes, but still it only showed 13.6 volts in "Boost Mode". I have the wiring schematics for the coach and they used 2 gauge cables in all battery connections. I did not run the generator too long that morning so I never timed how long or how many amps was put back into the battery. My question is, why did the converter NOT go into "boost mode" """


With the batteries drawn down to 45% per the TM-2030 battery monitor, I started the onboard generator and observed the following on the TM-2030:

Minutes- Amps going back to batteries
1........... 26.2
2........... 19.8
3........... 19.4
4............ 18.9
5............ 18.7
6............ 18.1
7............ 17.6
8............. 16.9
9............. 16.4
10............ 16.2
11............ 15.8
12............ 15.5
13............ 15.3
20............ 12.8 Battery 48% recharged per TM-2030
29............ 11.3
37............. 10.0 Battery 52% recharged per TM-2030

What happened to the boost mode?
  • I appreciate all the reply, thanks guys!

    I do not have the pendant, I manually push the button on the board.

    During my charge, either 10 seconds or 5 minutes into into the cycle, when I push the button, the LED light will change from steady green to blinking green, but the voltage and amps does NOT change as reported on the TriMetric..
  • Should go into BOOST mode until batteries reach 90% of full charge....LED Light ON

    Then should go to NORMAL mode until full charge reached......LED Light Flash 2-3X per second

    Then STANDBY mode .....LED Light Flash every 6-8 seconds

    Need to VERIFY using another meter what DC OUTPUT Voltage is vs that monitor.
    Use 'wizard bypass button' to force BOOST and check DC Output

    IF it does NOT go into forced Boost.then charge wizard is not functioning.
    Contact PD...2 yr. warranty from date of purchase
  • Could it be a bad Pendant or PD unit itself ? Ask PD.
    On 1/2 discharged batts, the voltage may not be 14+ in boost mode
    Why no voltage readings along w/ amperage ?
    Your charging amperages are consistant w/ not being in Boost mode.

    I'm over 15 yrs w/ PD, never even a blip !
  • The 14.4 is what it will reach at the batteries near the end of the cycle, if you Never see that voltage then it's not working
    I installed the 70 amp version
    And in the morning my 5 big AGMs take any where from 40+ to 60+ amps at 13+ volts on the meter, the 14+ shows up a few hours later
    These converters are chargers, Not 'constant voltage' power supplies
    30 minutes is not an adequate test, you did not post voltage you only posted the amps, was the voltage rising?
  • The trimetric is either not zeroed properly and your actual state of charge is higher, and/or the PD is faulty as it should seek and hold 14.4v when asked for 'boost' via pendant/wizard.

    I'd expect 2 50% depleted group 24's at ~8-AH capacity to be able to suck 25+ amps each initially for at least 20 minutes before battery voltage approached 14.4v and amps begin to taper.

    Perhaps PD getting confused by solar voltages above 12.8v, but boost button should seek 14.4v for 4 hours, and if it is not, then It no workkeee as designee