Thanks Don, I wish that would work. It’s a simple solution, and I like to keep things simple.
Unfortunately, the design of this furnace on the intake side has no clear air intake air duct. There is an intake air grill. In fact in the fourth picture, the grill has been removed, and you can see through the opening it was covering a bit of what’s behind it. The flex hoses are on the output side of the furnace, and go to various heat registers in the camper.
The space the furnace is installed in is just a cavity between the kitchen sink cabinet, and the bathroom sink cabinet, and there are huge pass-through holes in the plywood sides of that cavity for wires and plumbing to go through. Of course, air will move freely through them as well. So, there’s not a single air intake point, despite the return air grill being there.
I’m going to try using the “Minimum Cycle Period Adjustment” in the new thermostat, and see if that will do what I need. I should probably play with it a little in my garage before our next trip, which could be soon.
Thanks again.