1. Another curiosity where the Voc is high and the Isc is low. In this case (and ISTR others) the diff is with Mono vs Poly.
100w (OP's mono) 22.5v Voc, 5.75a Isc
100w (my poly) 21v Voc, 6.3a Isc
Since it is Isc that you have as expected max amps, which panel would you prefer for PWM operation?
(other sizes of poly panels have similar proportions of Isc per watt with 21v. eg, 130w and 8.2a Isc)
2. 10a controller is right size IMO allowing for margin above Isc as usually recommended for choosing controller and fuse size. (There is a 7a 105w limit rated controller often seen, but that would have little margin)