I think the way it works (somebody who knows for sure can help here)
The 24v panel needs the MPPT controller in order to convert back to 12v for a 12v battery being charged. Amps to that battery will be about twice the Isc of that panel.
The 12v/24v controller is first supposed to be connected to the battery. This lets it little brain figure out what kind of battery it is, 12 or 24. If it is 12v, the controller will operate in 12v mode. If it senses 24v battery (voltage is above 17) it will operate in 24v mode.
Then you connect the array side.
So you have a 24v battery, a 24v panel, and the controller is in 24v mode. I think ??? you will get Isc more or less, but that will be ok to charge the battery which runs the motor because it is at 24v; it only needs "half the amps" get a recharge that a 12v battery would need for a recharge.
----actually I don't know that at all!! What does go on for recharging a 24v battery? (I know if it is two 12s in series, you can put a 12v charger on each battery, or one 24v charger across both--but what are the amps?)