dad4papa2 wrote:
Well i went back out and run my meter checks again.
With Shore power plugged in the Pos bat and neg bat terminals on the control board show 13.61 Volts (thats the White and green one in the top section of the converter on the right side.)
With the power off they show .30 volts. I must have had my meter set wrong.
When I test them at the battery terminals on the Battery I get 12.39 v.
I think I will check all grounds and go from there.
Any suggestions is great!!!
Two options
Option low-cost ONLY applies if you are metering the WIRE ends and not the batteries themselves. VERY and I mean VERY dirty connecton between battery and cable. Easy to test. Touch he probes to the battery or batteries themselves.
Option 2 (The expensive option) Batteries toast. HIGH RESISTANCE failure.. Remove to store for testing if you current have a pair of 12 volt marine/deep cycle consider going to GC-2 Golf car in series (6+6=12) you treat the pair like a big 12 volt (4d) battery for all things save lugging (same weight as a 4D but you only lug half at a time) 220 amp horus (give or take 10) 50% usable
The 12 volts you have now.. If MARINE/deep cycle only about 25% usable.