Rockwoody wrote:
You got to love RV manufacturers and their disregard to normal cable colors indicating +/-.
Actually that is not the case. You see the "black is negative/ground" is not a standard it is a TRADITION and one that is often violated for assorted reasons in electronics (NEVER trust color codes on military gear. in fact on military gear if a black wire enters a bundle of wires it may turn white before it exits or red, or yellow or green or _____)
But in HOUSE wiring Black is "HOT" and white is NEUTRAL (Hazard of cross training) and it is ELECTRICANS not Electronics Technicians who wire the RV's so hooking the White wire to teh "HOT" (Positive) makes absloute sense.
This is why you use a volt meter that indicates polarity or other polarity indicating device.
And a suggestion: Get two small cans of spray paint or two bottles of nail polish.. One black, one red
Red on the positive wires
Black on the negative IF doing this with spray don't be afraid to "over spray) onto the batteries...
Makes it so much easier next spring.> Re-paing before removal of batteries if needed. Colored tape or other indicators can also be used.
Tie all positive leads together and all negative as well (Except for the battery to battery jumpers) when removing batteries and insulate the positive (Wrap them in something even if it's just saran warp a few layers)