Have been talking with Escape. They are interested and willing to be helpful. Dometic has given them the same altitude response. Kids are back to lower elevation and stove is working but the furnace isn't. This will get more discussion on Escape. BTW, it was on the Escape forum that I first discovered the altitude issue with the Dometic D21 cooktop. There has been no final resolution. I resorted to this forum (as I have in the past) because of its larger, diverse brand membership. OTOH, Dometic is widely used. Meanwhile, I've managed to learn exactly how a regulator works, and it is clear that a number of things can affect it. Some "experts" insist that altitude can affect the air/fuell mixture and thus the efficiency of the flame but it does not affect the regulator itself. Others say it can affect the regulator diaphragm since the regulator is not closed to the atmosphere. But clearly atmospheric pressure does affect something more than the flame quality. In this case (and others), there was no gas flow at all, suggesting the regulator had closed due to insufficient pressure on the primary or secondary sides or both.