Forum Discussion

meafordmike's avatar
Aug 10, 2016

Norcold N611 not working with Propane

My Norcold N611 refrigerator stopped working on gas yesterday. I camp about 3 hours away from home on a purely empty lot. I run the trailer off propane and start my little generator for about 2 hours a day. Yesterday my fridge lights started flashing after I shut the generator off. Changed propane tanks, and still flashing. checked the few problems I sometimes have with air in the lines, but still nothing. All other gas appliances work great still. Checked the original propane tank and still half full. Anyways, couldn't fix last night in the dark. Today looked into it further and here's my problems: Fridge seems to work fine on AC with generator, but if I switch to Gas, it will click once (doesn't sound like the electrode is clicking) after about 30-60 seconds both lights start flashing. I open up the back and cleaned the burner and flu as best I could. Still nothing. Had my dad turn on inside and I watched for spark with cover removed. no sparked noticed and would start to flash after 30-60 seconds. Had my dad turn on again with me and a bbq lighter on the burner, lite great with nice blue flame but will shut off after 30 seconds. I had to return home today, so the trailer is 3 hours away and now I am looking for ideas to fix this problem. After all the reading on this site and others I think its Defective Spark Electrode, or a the control board is toast. Any ideas? I can't take it to a dealer and I have a family function this weekend at the trailer and would love cold beer. Thanks in advance
  • meafordmike wrote:
    I picked up a new spark electrode and will replace this weekend. I will try the screwdriver trick and bring my soldering gun if needed. If I can't get it working this weekend, I will remove the control board and try to fix/ replace back here. 260$ Canadian for the control board here! The trailer is 3 hours away, so I am better off picking up the cheap part and hoping for the best.
    Thanks again

    When you see the Board, you will see the Piezo Tower. Since you are bringing a Solder Gun. Usually, the failure of the Piezo tower is caused by removing the electrode spade connection without holding the Piezo tower in place. Pulling that spade connection without holding the tower in place cause the solder pins for the Piezo to break loose and cause no continuity. You can pull the board and then manually attempt to move the Piezo tower. IF the solders are loose you will see it. Soldering those loose pins usually fixes the Piezo problem and saves the cost of a new Control Board.
  • Thanks.
    I picked up a new spark electrode and will replace this weekend. I will try the screwdriver trick and bring my soldering gun if needed. If I can't get it working this weekend, I will remove the control board and try to fix/ replace back here. 260$ Canadian for the control board here! The trailer is 3 hours away, so I am better off picking up the cheap part and hoping for the best.
    Thanks again
  • 99% of the time it is the Spark Electrode. Here is how you test. Use an INSULATED screwdriver about 15 inches long. Start the refer on gas(LP OFF), and hold the tip of the screwdriver about 1/4 inch from the spade connector(after removing the spade of the spark plug wire). When the Piezo and gas valve engage, the spark will arc to the Screwdriver tip for about 15 seconds. IF SO, replace the Spark Electrode assbly. IF it does NOT spark continuously and the gas valve does click, replace the control board. The Piezo tower is defective. Doug
  • Mandalay Parr wrote:
    See if it will work on gas with the generator running.
    May have bad battery.

    Tried. no good.
    Thanks for the reply