Depends on how many times it gets operated when in an 'unlevel' situation.
Those quick stops along side on ramps, those short rest stop situations where rig is a bit off level, those overnight stops that it's kinda level but not really etc.
20 minutes of -off level- operation can cause overheating issues with coolant due to disruption of gravity flow. The sodium chromate (anti-rust inhibitor) can crystallize due to the overheating......then it plates out on inside of tubing like a plaque. Damage is accumulative and permanent.
Turning fridge On/Off or leaving running has little affect.....thermal stresses are not significant ------fridge heat source cycles on/off all the time
Overheating/disruption of gravity flow is major source of failures.
No 'moving parts' so nothing to wear out.....
Keep it 'comfortably level' for longevity